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Global Warming Fails the Smell Test

Originally published March 28, 2010
Republished May 5, 2024

The Global Warming Alarmist Movement (aka "Warm-mongers") seems like it is fading into an unpleasant and agonizing death. Just about every week or so there is a new revelation that a key claim about global warming was based on some article in the popular trade press and not on peer-reviewed science. Nevertheless, even beyond the apparent non-science behind many of the claims for anthropomorphic global warming, the nature of the purported effects of global warming should have raised skeptical eyebrows in any thoughtful person.

Before beginning a discussion of these points, however, let me state categorically that I am 100% certain that mankind has influenced the global climate... just as termites, wildebeests, mosquitoes, and any other species with a significant global biomass has. What exactly this effect is (cooling, warming, humidity, weather patterns, etc) is unknown, however. In fact, I would not be surprised if the effects are unknowable.

So why should we be skeptical of the claims made by global warm-mongers?

  1. They claim the results of climate change will be uniformity disastrous.
  2. Weather is an incredibly complex phenomenon that is (almost?) impossible to model with any accuracy, yet the warm-mongers speak with 100% certainty about our climate's future.
  3. Any skepticism expressed about global warming generates a response akin to the Spanish Inquisition. "Deniers" are the modern equivalent of McCarthy-era Hollywood blacklist.
  4. The "solution" to global warming is to destroy modern technological civilization by hyper-regulating our economy and essentially eliminating about 90% of power generating capacity (by eliminating fossil fuel usage)
  5. I suspect that the warm-mongers are starting to realize that their campaign is failing to convince the world that disaster is coming, and that only the elimination of fossil fuels and the intensive regulation of our lives will prevent it. Like any other politically motivated group, they are attempting to cut off debate and silence their critics in any way they can. This, of course, is the exact opposite of how they would behave if they had truly compelling "settled" science on their side.

    Global warming fails the smell test. It might be real, but the existing evidence (including the evidence of the behavior of its proponents) leads the rational observer to take a very skeptical view of their claims. As the late astronomer, Carl Sagan used to say, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." The warm-mongers have indeed made extraordinary claims about the coming disaster. They have not, however, provided extraordinary evidence to support those claims. Until they do so, the rational person should remain skeptical.